Family Intervention Support

The family intervention service has been developed to support families to address issues which have impacted on their ability to meet their children's care and protective needs.

Hispanic Resource Services
Crisis Assistance

The assistance  and advocacy for people in financial crisis, helping them move toward self-sufficiency.

Academic Preparation & Funding

A proactive and developmental approach that focuses on personal and professional growth for all students. The academic funding services is for dictating how your funds may be used, what deliverables are expected, and what reports are required.

Youth Intervention

Youth Intervention Service delivers services to youth in the spectrum of risk. Youth Intervention Services provides various programs to assist youth in shifting to a more positive life path.

Community Outreach Events

Community outreach involves providing professional services, or services of a specific expertise, to a group of people who may not otherwise have access to those services

Personal Development

Personal Development improves ones self-awareness or ability to embrace new thinking or ideas positively through enlightened eyes.

Holistic Healing

Holistic therapy addresses the mind, body, and spirit to support health and healing. Individual and group therapy sessions as well as personal coaching services available.

Educational Scholarships & Awards

Educational scholarships grant students to cover all or part of the tuition and fees and an Educational award provided to a member who has successfully completed a required term of service.

Cultural Arts & Spanish Resource

Cultural Arts & Spanish services promotes and supports cultural art and Spanish as a language, in order to develop a strong sense of community, and further economic development.

Why Us?

We provide superior culturally-tailored community- based services to diverse at-risk populations in English & Spanish.

For More Inquiries